Gee, I've got to do better at posting!! I've gotten out of the habit and I am going to do better. Here's a couple pics okay more like 100 pics of an afternoon spent at the park with my Mama, Daddy and little nephew from a couple of weeks ago. Mama (aka Nannie to Kason) and Daddy were babysitting Kason and they decided to take him to the park in Trenton. So what's an Aunt to do but grab her camera and meet them. My sweet sister in law, Amy , loaned me a very nice Sony camera so I was dying to use it. The flash is broke so I have to use the natural light that God gave us and it was a beautiful day!
Here's some of my favorite pics:
I haven't been on a see saw in at least 15 years!
Nannie's turn to ride the see saw!
Kason would slide down and stop to give Pa a kiss. He's full of sugars!
He's so happy!!!
This picture reminds me of my Brandon at this age!
Here I come!
Special memories!!
Kason hugging Pa tight!
Kason was sitting on this little ledge and the next think I know this hapenned...look at next picture!
OPPPS, he fell! I couldn't help but laugh (once I knew he was okay!)
He said, "Nannie, that hurt!"...he was A okay! He's one tuff little guy!
We had such a fun afternoon seeing life through the eyes of a sweet little boy. We are very blessed to get to see Kason every week. :)
Until Next Time~