Saturday, December 22, 2012

A New Weight Loss Milestone!

I've reached several milestones in the past week! First, I started Plexus Slim July 16, 2012. I weighed 267 lbs and as of December 18th 2012 I weighed 233 lbs! That is 34 lbs gone forever!! I'm so excited the numbers keep going down!!! Here's a current pic of me:

Sometimes I have a hard time seeing in the mirror that I've lost this much weight. It's when I look at a "before" picture and then at my current pic is when I really can see the difference. I'm amazed at how 34 lbs makes me look totally different. I tear up when I look at my "before" pic because I remember that day. We were going to Fly Wheelers Antique Tractor Show / Antique Yard Sale. I love going but it takes a lot of energy. I made myself go and put on a happy face even though I felt like crap. I was miserable with my weight and felt stuck, like I had no hope in losing weight. It's a vicious cycle with Fibromyalgai because I gained weight from medicines I had to take just to function and had no energy what so ever, it was impossible to exercise! 
That's why I'm so excited to have found Plexus because not only does it help with weight loss but it also helps with my pain due to Fibro. So it's a win win situation!!!

My Pink Plexus team just keeps growing!! I have 12 ladies on my first down line. This is who I've personally signed up and then 7 more from ones they've signed up! So a total of 19 ladies on my team! I'm amazed how quickly my team has grown. These ladies are AWESOME!! I'm very thankful to have them in my life!!

If you would like more information about buying Plexus or becoming an Ambassador for Plexus please email me at: or give me a call at 352 535 5381. I'd love to tell you all about Plexus!

Blessing to y'all~