I attend the Trenton Church of Christ. We believe the work of the church as being non-institutional without the trappings of man made organizations.
One of the most important things that impressed me some twenty years ago when I first started attending the Church of Christ was the preacher saying:: "I am not here to preach man's word. I am hear to preach God's word. I will attempt to give scripture for everything that I say. Please search along with me, do not take my word for it. If you hear something that you think is wrong or do not understand, please see me after services & we will study together."
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's Part in Salvation is the Sacrifice of Jesus.
1. Hear the gospel. The gospel is the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for the sins of the world. It tells us of the desire of God that "none should perish." It also brings faith. (I Peter 3:9 & Romans 10:17).
2. Believe the gospel. Make the story of the gospel a part of your beliefs to the point that you are willing to obey and live for Jesus. This humbles your spirit to allow Jesus to become your Lord (Owner, Master, King). (Romans 10:9-10 & Hebrews 8-9)
3. Repent. To repent means to turn your will over to God. It means that you turn from the ways of the world to righteousness, ceasing your rebellion. This is life changing. "If any man has this hope, he purifies himself." (I John 3:1-3). That is why we say repent of your sins. Peter said that it must accompany belief in order to have your sins remitted. (Acts 3:19).
4. Confess. Confess the name of Jesus before men so that he will confess us before the Father in Heaven. (Matthew 10:30-32). It lets others know we believe in Jesus and presents ourselves before God as not ashamed to "call Him brother." (Romans 10:9-10) This confession must be exemplified in daily living.
5. Submit to be baptized. This is where we come in contact with the blood of Jesus which washes away sin. (Romans 6:1-23) and where we become a part of the body of Jesus -- the church. (Ephesians 1:18) "And the Lord added to the church daily such as were being saved." (Acts 2:47).
6. Be faithful. As long as you live, serve the Risen Master and you will receive the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10). God has done His part to save your soul, have you done yours?
If you would like to talk or would like a free email Bible Study or live in the area & would like to meet please email me at Amee0521@gmail.com or you can send a request directly to our church @ tcoc@bellsouth.net our phone number there is 352/463/3793.
Please take time to check out our website as it has our past lessons/sermons available pdf form & audio files for you to listen to at your convenience. :)
In Christian Love,