Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Thoughts for Thursday

     I woke up not feeling the best (what's new with that, huh?). I kept wishing I could just stay home and go at my own Fibro pace. Which is really S L O W.

     I managed to shower, blow dry & style my hair, put make up on, & of course accesorize my jewelry with my outfit, all in about 1 hour. Not to slow now that I think about it. It just felt like I was moving really slow.

     I normally listen to a Christian radio channel, the Joy FM on the way to work. Of course I always pray before I cut the radio on. I just have that has my definite set time to pray. I pray during the day too...What a blessing to be able to do that with out the fear of being hurt!

     At this point I still felt crummy. As I listened to the radio they started talking about a little girl that started raising money for this other little girl that had brain cancer!!! Then to top it off the little girl that was raising money ended up being dx with a brain tumor. You know what I'm fixing to say....? My little ole crumminess just dissolved just like that. I suddenly felt better. I automatically thought, "Wow. I think I have problems? No way I do not. Not compared to those little girls."

     Isn't funny how something like hearing bad news of someone else and then all of sudden we realize we don't have it too bad after all. This was an eye opener for me. Not that it erased my pain but because it didn't. It just made me think a little differently.

     I have continued to have a better day today. I'm very very thankful for a good day. :)
     I pray these little girls get better!!!! They have a long road ahead of them......


Crystal said...

Oh Amee...I cried over that story on the way to work!

Charley said...

I listened and cried over this myself-- We are sooooo blessed!